SOL #7: One of Those Days

“Miss Chance, I have something for you!”, my student confessed, with his hands behind his back. Unsure of what he could be holding, I ask, “What do you have?”, with slight hesitation in my voice.

To my surprise, he holds out a travel mug filled with coffee! Not just anyone’s coffee…MY coffee.

Yeah, the coffee from 8:30 this morning. The coffee I took two sips of on the way to work. The coffee I completely forgot about for 5 whole hours!

How could I possibly forget for the entire school day? It didn’t even cross my mind AT ALL today…

Well, my sweet and helpful student offered to carry my coffee on our way to the classroom this morning. He loves to help his teachers, so it wasn’t unusual for him to be in charge of the teacher’s coffee. After getting upstairs, the student took off his coat, unpacked his backpack, and placed the coffee on the top shelf of his locker.

Just like any other morning, except for the coffee part.

Little did I know that 5 hours later, my student would arrive at my table with his hands behind his back, holding my forgotten coffee.

“I found your coffee in my locker!”, the student exclaimed.

We both laughed at the ridiculous fact that my coffee sat in his locker all day. I mean, how can you not?! I told my student that this was definitely a moment to “slice” about.

Today is clearly just one of those days. Also, today proves that I can go an entire (school) day without coffee…until I make my after school stop. ☕️


11 thoughts on “SOL #7: One of Those Days”

  1. Hahaha! A laugh at the end of the day is good. And I’m betting you haven’t heard the last of that coffee mug.


  2. Your post made me smile. I love how you and your student could laugh together about the coffee that “lived” in the locker all day.
    I’m retired now, but when I was teaching, I stopped at Starbucks every morning for a grande latte, which would take me the whole day to drink. My students all knew my coffee habits and showered me with Starbuck’s gift cards on special occasions.


  3. Oh how many times have I forgotten my coffee in the microwave, heated it again and then forgotten it until I went to heat my lunch. Teachers are way too distracted to actually finish an entire cup of HOT coffee. I’m glad your student was able to have an excuse to visit you at the end of the day.


  4. This is such a funny story! I can’t believe your coffee was in his locker all day and he didn’t notice it! Or that you didn’t miss it! Hilarious!


  5. Hilarious! Way to make it through the day! This morning I found a cupcake on top of my speaker. A student who was having a birthday yesterday shared it with me and I ‘stored’ it on top of the speaker to eat later. Only not 15 hours later. Way way way too distracted!


  6. Nice of him to bring you back your travel mug. I’m a tea drinker, rather than coffee, and I am always leaving it all over everywhere, rather than finishing it hot. It seems totally reasonable that your coffee could disappear into a locker all day without you noticing. 😀


  7. This made me laugh! I’ve had times where the students have reminded me of the things I have forgotten. The only thing to do often is to laugh. But then it makes me pause and think, am I going too fast to begin with?


  8. I had a similar day last week, only my coffee cup was near the copier the next day when I went to make more copies. I had to walk back to my room with my copies and 2 cups full, one cold and one just right. However, I slipped up and drank the cold, day old coffee. Eww!


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