SOL #5: Dentist Day

Usually, on a day off, I wake up feeling refreshed and excited for an extra day added to my weekend. Today,  I woke up with pain in my mouth and a faint feeling of dread.

Since I have a day off, I scheduled a dentist appointment, which is also at a NEW dentist office. A little nervous to go somewhere new, and also nervous for the aching pain on the left side of my mouth, caused by my wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth, why do you exist? What is your purpose?! 

2:15 hits and I’m filling out paperwork, taking an x-ray, and sitting in the dentist chair waiting for my results. Good news, my teeth aren’t impacted. He offered to take out the one that was bothering me right then and there, but I opted out.

I hate needles, pain, and dentist visits… I will need to mentally prepare myself for this. So we set the date for the end of March. By 2:45, I was out the door. Not nearly as bad as I thought!

I will be saying good-bye to my 4 wisdom teeth, and hello to Spring Break, all in one day!

Good timing or bad timing? 🤔


1 thought on “SOL #5: Dentist Day”

  1. Dentist visits are never fun. Love the question “wisdom teeth, why do you exist?” THAT is the question. Hope all goes well!


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